About the Smaragdfa®

Over the recent years, environmental protection and climate change issues and in relation to these, the concepts of green energy generation have been coming into increasingly general use and have diverted attention to the development of a hybrid that would provide a combined solution to all of the above global challenges.

From an energetic perspective the largest possible production volume of biomass (Both for the production of bio-ethanol and high calorific value solid firing fuels) is a key target, while effective climate change actions require large and actively photosynthesizing green surfaces. The introduction of these newly created green surfaces into the global carbon trading schemes emerges as an interest of the National Economy. The Smaragdfa® hybrid opens a new front in the management of this complex set of issues. The Smaragdfa® is capable of remarkable growth even under extreme climatic conditions due to its extraordinary features.

The tree is planted worldwide to exploit its adaptability to deteriorated – sandy, deteriorated or saline - soils, its rapid growth, high specific calorific value (4500 kcal, u=13%), excellent timber quality and occasionally for its beautiful bell shaped flowers. Its cultivation gave tremendous momentum to the development of hybrids for green energy generation and Carbon Credit purposes. Of the several very favorable parameters the exceptionally rapid growth of the tree is of key priority.

At 8 years of age the trees can be clear-felled, one trunk yielding an average of approximately0.6-1 m3 of timber. The wood is of excellent quality, light, knot-free and water proof, making it an ideal raw material for the furniture and builders’ carpentry and joinery industries, but also for more extraordinary purposes, such as the production of barrels or boats.
Easily planted and growing quickly, it is also a perfect plant for agricultural protective lining of crop fields. In energetic terms, it must be emphasized that 1kg of dry wood material has a calorific value of about kb. 4500 kcal (18830 kJ) at u=13% which is exceptionally high even in comparison to quality coal types and far ahead of all competing timber species (Poplar: 1700 kcal, average of hard temperate timbers: 2600 kcal, etc.). The high melting point of its ash at 1100 °C and the low level of hazardous pollutants released upon its combustion make it excellent firewood as well. Beside its high energy content therefore Smaragdfa® is ideal for the production of wood pellet and bio-ethanol too, this latter produced by sacharification.

Beside the various application areas it is important to mention that Smaragdfa® survives virtually on any kind of soil, even in sandy soils poor in nutrients, polluted by heavy metals and ash. One hectare of plantation ties an annual quantity of 40 tons of dust and air pollutants; the strong and deep reaching roots of the plants stopping soil erosion, evening out temperature fluctuations, improving the flow parameters and the humidity level of the air. It has large heart shaped leaves that may reach even 70 cm in diameter; one 8 years old tree may yield up to 60 kg of leaves annually, making the plant ideal for green fertilizer and animal feed production too. The high content of proteins (9.5%) and nitrogen (15%) of the leaves may open up new dimensions in keeping livestock and soil improvement using bio-fertilizers.

Considering the aspects of environmental protection and climate change it can be said that the leaves of the exceptionally fast growing Smaragdfa® absorb enormous quantities of carbon-dioxide thanks to the plant’s C4 type photosynthesis.  The plant practically “feeds itself from the air” while its leaves generate oxygen and bind flying dust and release humidity; thereby balancing the climate of their immediate environment.

The hybrid may offer a progressive solution to the World – and to Hungary among the first countries – which will absorb a larger quantity of greenhouse gases via photosynthesis than the continuously and inevitably increasing volume released into the atmosphere over a given unit of time and will also provide Mankind with a versatile and environment friendly biomass, opening up enormous potential for the evolution of a new Hungarian agricultural industry relying on the Green Industry.

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